How to start a money making blog in 2023

 Starting a Blog is not easy on your own, It takes a lot of research and time implementation to do. In this article, we’ll show you step by step that How to start a money making blog in 2023. Let’s start the complete guide about ‘How to start a money making blog.’

How to start a money making blog in 2021

What is Blogging?

 What is the Difference between Website and Blogging? A website is mostly created to represent the online presence of a Business. In most cases, websites update minor details on their existing pages.

Blogging is all about sharing what you have as an idea in your mind, forming readable content that you later share, and let others be a part of the knowledge.

 Blogging is done based on a Niche or a Particular topic and Articles are written and updated from time to time on a regular, weekly, or monthly basis. 

 Take note, Blogs can also be part of a website that offers a service as well as provides a knowledge base as a form of Blog.

The company may promote its own services via Blog posts or help others based on the niche. The process of Writing Blog posts is called Blogging.

Once a blog is live on the web, People can search on Google about a question and directly land on your blog in order to solve their queries. A blogger can place monetized ads on the Blog and Earn from there.

 Willing to know How to start a money making blog and Earn thousands of Dollars from a blog? We’ll be discussing them shortly.

Why you should Start Blogging?

 Let’s get to know why you should start Blogging right away and what are the reasons that you may not engage in Blogging?

Reasons to start Blogging:

  Passive Income: If you’re willing to have a second income source that earns you $2000 a month with just one or two hours daily, then you can start a blog and convert your traffic into affiliate customers.

  Expert in Field: You’re expert in a field and you want to share your knowledge with everyone else. YouTube could have been a option to you but if you’re genuinely looking out for a future in it, Blogging can be the way to reach your Goal.

 You’ll not only be able to reach out others and share your knowledge but you will be making Millions.

Brand Creation: Always dreamt of owning your own brand? Well blogging is not only about writing articles, Your blog gets own identity thus becomes a brand.

 Now your time and energy on the blog decides how your Brand is going to grow and how well will it perform.

Reasons not to start Blogging:

No Time: If you aren’t able to manage one or two hours a day, You should not just jump into Blogging. It takes patience to run a blog and earn through it.

No Writing Skills: At starting it might not matter that if you’re fluent in English or not, but in the long run if your writing skills are not inspiring or convincing for a reader, You’ll probably be getting backed. Try reading books, novels, or articles to increase your English fluency.

Now if you like proceeding further we would like to introduce you to how to start a money making blog. Let’s move forward and jump into our First step of the Tutorial.

Where to Start from?

Confused about where to start blogging from? So blogging is all about Content creation is mostly text form, you need to own any CMS to publish posts frequently without the hassles of Coding.

 Yes, it’s not necessary that you need to know Coding at all. If you learn the basics of Html and CSS it might be beneficial for you in the future but You can still use Free Softwares to run your blog.

 They’re called CMS: Content Management System. There are plenty of CMS available out there though as a beginner Blogger and WordPress are two of the most used CMS.

 Though for pinpoint customizability we suggest using WordPress. It’s free to use for everyone as well as Blogger.

WordPress Powered websites

According to research, almost 75 million websites are made using WordPress, which is 40% of all websites out there. As WordPress has Plugin and Theme functionality it becomes a lot easier to handle Websites using WordPress.

🚀 What is WordPress?

 WordPress is one of the best Content management tools that was launched back in 2003. It’s a nonprofit organization that offers two types of WordPress Platforms.


One needs to find out key differences between them as it confuses most beginners. is a totally free platform where you get a free subdomain of WordPress and start writing blogs along with the subdomain. 

what is

 In you can connect your own Domain name as well as Hosting of your own and fully customize your Blog Website.

 How much the whole Blog thing costs? To set up a whole new blog won’t cost any more than $60-$70/ year.

Advantages of using WordPress

✔️   WordPress has loads of available features than Blogger

✔️   Plugins make WordPress a lot easier to execute specific tasks.

✔️   There is a huge community, you won’t lack knowledge of problems.

✔️   Without Coding, anyone can develop High conversion landing pages.

✔️   Unlike Blogger, WordPress is self-hosted, You’ll be the complete owner.

✔️   WordPress is completely free to use, You don’t need to pay.

 Now we are aware of why WordPress is the best platform to start your million-dollar making blog, Let’s get to start by choosing a niche of your blog then we’ll know how to use WordPress.

Choose a Niche or Topic

Niche is also known as a deep category on which a blog is based. It’s the subject of the knowledge base of a Site.

 Choosing Niche is one of the major decisions that is eventually going to determine your and your blog’s future. We’ll see how you can choose a niche what are the criteria.

 Obviously, niche mostly matters on how well you’re gonna perform and what your earnings will be. Micro Niche is one of the Trending topics in Blogging, to know more check FAQ 🠗 Section.

 Some niches have high CPC and Conversion rates, if you get through a well-performing niche idea, you’ll get to know How to start a money making blog. For sure you’ll have to have knowledge in your niche.

 What that means is that you’ve to be familiar with, or the Niche should be based on your Passion or Interest. Shouldn’t be like the niche generates comparatively more revenue so you should get yourself into it.

Examine a Niche:

✔️   Niche Audience base

✔️   Competitors authority

✔️   Content creating possibility

✔️   Monetizing potential

Lacking is Niche choosing might result in you losing interest in Blogging after few months or else you wouldn’t be making any income because of poor informative content.

 After you’ve perfectly done research in the Niche choosing process, you’re qualified for the next step in How to start a money making blog.

Choosing Domain Name

 Domain name holds the authority of a Blog’s potential. A Brand name should be following some factors in order to decide how easier it would be to remember, not crossing more than 12 words & many other factors.

 Blog name convention is Elaborated here, you can learn what are the key factors. For now, you can continue with your desired name. Remember we prefer using a ‘.com‘ domain name.

 We are embedding a tool here for your ease of use, You can easily search for any domain name and could see that if it is available or not.

 Add the TLD you want in your domain name, it can be .in, .com, .org, or .net, etc. In case you are not aware of what are TLDs, check the FAQ 🠗

Write your desired Domain name like “” and click on ‘Check Availability’

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Building a Brand

Starting a website does mean the other way that you’re about to start your own business. Thus you need to find out an unique as well as a cool Brand name for your website.

And a website’s Domain name represents the Brand, to find unique Domain names you can use some handy free tools. Remember, it’s very unlikely that you find any domain name with only a single word from the Dictionary, like – ‘’, you gotta find out some alternative which is relevant to your niche. 

find your brand name

One of the best tool out there that suggest Unique Domain names are ‘LeanDomainSearch Tool’. You have to put a keyword and it’ll automatically suggest domain names by adding some prefix and postfix with that specific keyword.

Well, if you were willing to start a website on programming and couldn’t find any Brand name to start a website, Simpy type ‘Programming’ and see how many relevant results are showing up.

Indeed I must say, there are so many tools out there which also shows if a name that’s chosen by you is also occupied on popular Social Media platform or not. LeanDomainSearch Shows up if a name is already taken on Twitter or not yet.

Thus it can be beneficial for you because having a social ecosystem is a positive factor for a potential brand or as well as for a blog.

Finding a Friendly Hosting

 This is where things get most interesting in the journey of ‘How to start a money making blog’. You do want to make money from a blog then you need to Purchase a Good quality Hosting. 

 No worries, there are now several companies providing the best quality hosting services at under $2-$3 a month. For beginners, it would be a great choice to go for. 

As a Beginner Shared Hosting might be enough to start with, though if you want good speed and fast loading speed you can also go for VPS Hosting. Basically there are 5 Types of Hosting services.

 1.  Shared Hosting
 2.  VPS Hosting
 3.  Dedicated Hosting
 4.  Cloud Hosting

 Except these basic Hosting services a couple of are there which you might not need to know as a starter. Some of them are – Co-location Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Self-service Hosting, Managed WordPress, etc. Check here to know more about Types of Hosting.

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 Before buying any Hosting plan you need to check these things if they’re up-to your criteria of a Quality Hosting or not. Our recommendations are HostGator, A2Hosting & Hostinger.

Make sure your Chosen Hosting services plan offer these minimum prerequisites:

  1.  More than 3 Websites can be Hosted.
  2.  At-least 99.9% of Uptime.
  3.  Trustpilot Rating is more than 4.7
  4.  Customer service care is frequent enough.
  5.  Traffic Handling Capacity.
  6.  Storage and Bandwidth is more than enough.

✔️ Beginners face a lot of troubles related to Hosting servers, mostly a person without knowledge of coding faces these issues on regular basis on starting days. Making sure Hosting company provides good customer support 💬 will get you Blog up even in trouble facing conditions.

✔️ Suppose all of a sudden any of your blog post goes viral and starts receiving a lot of traffic from not matter what, social media or search engine, You will face Traffic bandwidth issues.

To overcome this you need to have enough bandwidth or Traffic Spike feature 🚦 on your Hosting Server.

Installing WordPress

 To gather the major part of How to start a money making blog, WordPress is the CMS we are going to use. As previously discussed WordPress does a great job as well as overcoming other CMS in comparison.

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 Now you’ve bought your Hosting, You own your Domain name. Let’s start Installing WordPress on the Server. For Tutorial Purposes, we’ll be going through A2Hosting.

As discussed earlier, Shared Hosting is beneficial as a beginner, If you’re willing to host multiple sites, then other premium plans might be the one to go for.

Related: A2Hosting Shared plans Review | Is it the Best Hosting?

 After Logging in to the Client Area, a clean dashboard will be visible from where your hosting plan can be managed. Click on the cPanel Login option to land on the C panel of your hosting plan.

 Install WordPress with Softaculous: A2 Hosting provides WordPress optimized auto-installer. After a successful installation, your WordPress Admin panel link might look similar to ‘’

How to start a money making blog

 Note: Create a Professional Email address from cPanel before installing WordPress, Own custom domain email addresses are more trustworthy in the case of newsletter campaigns.

 Install Plugins & Themes: Plugins make a website dynamic as well as customizable. It executes certain tasks & extends functionality by making a decrease in manual coding labors to an extent.

 Note, try to install minimum numbers of Plugins to keep the Website healthy. For more info check FAQ 🠗

what is wordpress plugin

 Since May 2004, when WordPress launched plugins, it has gained a mass variety of libraries containing web functions on the go. Users just have to install the plugins instead of coding certain functions.

 Some of the basic plugins you need to be pro at How to start a money making blog are:

Contact Form 7: Readers may approach you for any questions or suggestions based on your content. Contact Form 7 lets you create forms for free and lets embedding them anywhere. Another alternative is WPForms.

Rank Math: Search engine optimization is really necessary in order to receive organic visitors, and to build a trustworthy brand a site should have a Great SEO performance. Rank math helps with that, another alternative is AIOSEO.

Google Site Kit: Google has launched their official WordPress plugin, containing all functionality like Page speed checker, Analytics, Search Console, etc. It has replaced multiple plugins like Monsterinsights.

WPRocket: Caching is really important in order to achieve the fast loading speed of a Website. WPRocket helps to cache pages and load images and Backend scripts load fast. Litespeed cache is another great alternative.

Updraft Backup: Backup is a really necessary practice to implement. No matter how well a website is running, it might fall into trouble and You would not like to lose all hard work. Updraft helps to generate backup files and download them offline. All-in-One WP Migration is an alternative to this.

 Pretty Links: To shorten and track records of Affiliate links, ‘Pretty links’ is a great tool that keeps all the links managed within the WordPress dashboard. Thirsty Affiliates is a great alternative.

WordPress Themes: Themes contain the layout and design of a website. Themes customize the front-end appearance of a website, including the design layout, typography, color, and other designable elements.

 After the first installation, some default themes will be occupied at the Theme menu, Which can be found in ‘ Appearnce> Themes ‘.

 Some of the most used, Fast & responsive themes are: 

    1. Generatepress
    2. Astra
    3. OceanWP
    4. Schema
    5. Neve
    6. ColorMag
    7. Hestia
    8. Airi

Creating the first blog post

 All the basic plugins are set, Theme is installed. All set to go for How to start a money making blog. Now let’s publish our first blog post.

 Any type of Page builder can be used to publish Posts, like Elementor, Shortcodes Ultimate, Ultimate Blocks, etc. These page builder Plugins feature more customizable blocks making content look more informative & Attractive.

 Being Attractive & more functional, these page builders slow down page loading speed to an instance. We’ll be using the default Page builder provided by WordPress.

adding a new post in wordpress

 Head over to Admin panel then ‘Posts> Add New‘, a Post-editing window will appear to you, Here You have to add Title of the Post at the start of Editing.

 Make sure you’re adding a catchy title for the Post, containing Post Keyword. We’ll discuss Keyword in a bit. A good practice is making a list of Titles and choosing among them after the post is ready.

 Some of the basic settings are needed to set now, You can navigate them at the right sidebar- 

 Categories: Set a category for your post so that users find it easier to navigate to a specific sub Topic and locate the post.

 Tags: Tags are search terms, Made with related ideas of a post. Include tags to get your post to appear on search results.

 Featured Image: More likely thumbnail, a featured image represents content inside an article. Keeping it attractive and clean, will land more visitors to a post.

wordpress post writing basics

A post should contain some of the mandatory Blocks in order to be readable and interesting Post.

After Heading & Paragraph, Table of Contents or Tables, Images, Videos, as well as an audio version of the posts can also be included in a Post. 

 When you’re done writing the first post, You can publish the post from the Top-Right Corner of the Page. Click on ‘Publish’ and confirm, Your post is now live on the internet.

 To know more about how to write the Best Quality Article that ranks on Google Check out our Tutorials.

wordpress post writing basic

What are Keywords: In order to learn How to start a money making blog, Keyword is a Major decidable factor. It is an idea-based group of words, that defines the content.

While Creating posts, make sure the keyword is used in the title of the post, the first paragraph of the article, and the whole article contains the keyword quite sometimes.

 Keyword research is a good practice to do before writing each post to avoid unnecessary competition with other blog posts.

Are keywords necessary to rank on Google? Learn in FAQ 🠗

Must have pages

 Your first post is being Written, Now You need to create some necessary pages, These pages are required to get approval in some Ad networks and etc.

Privacy Policy Page:  If you collect data from your visitors in any way or so, you need to disclose the policies by creating a Privacy Policy page Including how you use the data. This page is mandatory stated by the CCPA and the GDPR act.

Contact: In case readers might like to interact with the author in case of suggestions or any mistakes done in a post, the Contact page is really necessary to connect with readers.

is contact page necessary

About us: A page showing all information about the team behind the site, What are the motive, goal, and mission of owner, members are called About us Page.

Disclaimer: The disclaimer page contains Affiliate disclosures in case you’re promoting any affiliate products, Containing all your prerequisites of Site.

Optimize site for SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a basic need of blogs to get their blogs found by users with help of search engines. If you need organic traffic, it’s crucial that you optimize your blog according to basic SEO factors.

 SEO Plugin: You need to install first some of the best Plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank Math, All in One SEO to ease optimization tasks.

rank math overview

After setting up quick configurations, Submit Website logo, Create sitemaps, Turn on broken link checker.

While writing a Blog post, strictly follow SEO score and optimize your content as per conventions provided by SEO plugins according to your Keyword.

 Google Analytics: Setup Google analytics by creating a property with the blog website, monitor your analytics and insights on regular basis to get more data out of it and optimize promotions according to output. Google search console is necessary too along with Google analytics.

 Create XML Sitemap: With help of Rank Math, it’s only one click away to generate sitemap paths on your blogs, sitemap contains of your total page counts so Webmaster tools can easily index them.

 Social Branding: Building up all social brands helps you creating authority of website thus making it more trustworthy to search engines. With more authority Search engines are more likely to promote a website.

Receive Traffic on Blog

 Some tactics are followed to gain Traffic on a starter blog. On initial days you won’t be receiving much traffic. No need to worry or being demotivated, it’s normal. Several ways are there to get a huge amount of traffic on your blog.

 SEO: As we have known, a blog post can be customized in such a way, Search engines will start promoting your content. 🚀  

 Keyword Research: Perfect keyword researching and proper implementation of low competition high-volume keywords can land you a mass amount of organic traffic. You need to do keyword research with proper knowledge following SEO Criteria. These are the Best free keyword research tools that you can use to do keyword research for free.

 Ecosystem: Besides Building branding, an Ecosystem is really important if you want to have an evergreen source of traffic that is totally based on your niche. Ecosystem stands for a group of Platforms like social media, email lists, Telegram groups, Discord servers, etc, from where you’ll be able to fetch users via notification.

 Use Illustrations: By creating highly accurate and informative illustrations and infographics, you’re letting other bloggers use your infographic and in exchange, you’re receiving a courtesy backlink which can eventually get you a lot of traffic.
Apart from which there are possibilities of unique Illustrations gaining a higher potential to rank on Google Image indexing.

 Run Ads: If your blog is about your own product or affiliate product, you can run ads via Adwords, Facebook ads or Instagram, etc. By running an ad you can filter people with the same interests, with the filtered age groups you can get your blog many Readers as well as potential buyers. Running ads is most profitable when you’re promoting any product.

How to start a money making blog

  To start earning from a blog 💵 one must stay patient for months. If you’re only willing to earn money you won’t be making upto that level where you can fluently make money.

There are millions of ways to earn from a blog. Some of most used ways are: 

 Adsense: Most used and most popular way is to monetize your content and blog with Google Adsense. Google inserts ads in between your content in exchange it pays you off, according to per click, impression etc. Adsense in one of the easiest way of earning via Blog.

 Advertising Space: You can occupy a specific area in blog sidebar which you can rent to advertisers in exchange of monthly payout. As an example you can rent 300X250px area for $250 a month.

 Sponsored Post: Promoting other bloggers post inside your own post, or letting others users upload their content on your blog including their backlinks is known as sponsored posts. A matured blog can charge up to $300-$400 per sponsored post.

 Affiliate Marketing: As per research 90% of blogger’s major earning source is Affiliate. Affiliate marketing is promoting other sellers products by posting reviews and Promotional campaigns. A usual blogger can $3,000-$50,000 per month from Affiliate Marketing. You can Learn Affiliate marketing here.

 Membership: With help of some free plugins you can create membership features in your WordPress website and a section can be made where premium articles can only be accessed by Premium membership users. Thus membership feature can get you monthly recurring income from your blog.


Q1. Is Blogging Dead?

Some beginners get confused about in which to invest their time and Energy, YouTube or Blogging? Which one is more beneficial in order to make money and a Proper establishment of Revenue source.

 Blogging would never be dead, as it has infinite numbers of possibilities to blog and earn by doing what you like. YouTube might have some limitations, though blogging has none, you own your website completely.

Q2. What are TLDs?

TLD stands for Top Level Domains. TLD is one of the domains at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System on internet. In ‘’ the ‘.com’ is a TLD.  

Thus .org, .net, com, are some of the Top Level domains.

Q3. What is Micro Niche?

A Micro niche is a specified area within a broad Topic, Micro niche targets a mini topic as well as receives only subject based targeted audience.

Q4. Does plugins and Theme matters in SEO?

Well, a Theme is basically the layout of a website, More complex theme means more lines of code, making the site heavy, bulky thus being laggy.

 The more plugin you install, means you’re adding more lines of code to implement more functions to the site. SEO matters on your site speed, if loading speed is compromised, Search engines as well as Visitors won’t be followed to your Site.

Q5. Are Keywords necessary to Rank?

Keywords are necessary but are they mandatory when it comes to rank an Article on Google or any other search Engine?

 Yes, It’s required, To index an Article based on a keyword it becomes fast and easy for webmaster tools. It’s much easier to modify an article based on a keyword to make that SEO Friendly. In the Article How to start a money making blog, Our keyword is set to be ‘How to start a money making blog’.

Q6. Conclusion | Is it too late to start?

 “It’s never too late”, Blogging field might be saturated though new opportunities are being creating every single day as well as thousands of brand new niches.

 Now you’re aware of How to start a money making blog, You can start off today and get success compared to someone who started a way back but didn’t worked hard as you. Be Motivated, keep working, You’ll get success for sure. Good Luck.

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Learn how blog can generate revenue and perform even
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Editor of TurboHosty, Keeping all posts up to date. Engineer by profession, Blogger by passion.

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